Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Class #44 -46 Sub Cultures - LAB

Class #44
1. Complete SUB CULTURE WEB QUEST; begin Sub Culture project

Class #45
1. Create your sub culture presentation - reference page #140 in your resource handbook for explanations

Class #46
1. Finish your sub culture presentation - reference page #140 in your resource handbook for explanations

2. Evaluate 10 presentations on shared drive

Class #43 - Gangs

1. Gangs as an Agent of Socialization

2. Reading on local gang problem, video clip from News Channel 6

3. Notes and Discussion on Gangs

Class #42 Sport and Society

1. Journal Entry based on page #122 in your resource handbook

2. Contemporary case studies to complement our notes and discussion

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Class #41 Black.White

1. Background footage on Civil Rights - Emmett Till and Little Rock

2. Video: Black/White (Part II ) Guided Viewing Journal based on questions in resource handbook page #117

3. Being a Black Man - The Washington Post

Class #40 Coolness???

1. As a journal entry complete the grid on Mass Media and Sociolization and discuss "Cool Hunting"

2. Introduce Black.White video clip for Class #41

3. Visit Black.White website

Class #39 Merchants of Cool

1. View "Merchants of Cool" video to explore mass media as an agent of socialization

2. As a journal entry identify 10 facts from the video

3. If you were absent, please complete the journal entry by viewing the program on-line at MERCHANTS of COOL

Class #38 Children's Books II

1. Process Children's Book activity

2. Visit the following websites to complement our discussion

a. The Berenstain Bears

b. Seseame Street

Class #37 Children's Books

Please reference your Sociology Resource handbook for the Children's Book activity on page #103

This activity will be completed as a journall entry

Class #36 The Art of Appreciation

In today's class we will be exercising the Art of Appreciation. We will spend 30 minutes writing a letter to someone who has had an impact on our life. Reference page #205 -206 for expections

Letters will be mailed on Wednesday, May 9th

Class #35 Socialization II

Complete a comparison of two case studies (Anna and Isabelle) to explore the failure of family as an agent of socialization.

Class #34 Intro to Socialization

1. Notes and Discussion on Agents of Sociolization

2. Complete Journal #18 Grid- Family, Peer, and Schools

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Class #33 Culture Test

1. Complete open notes Culture Test (70 points and 5 omits). This test includes the following:

a. Map ID
b. vocabulary fill-in
c. multiple choice
d. quote ID

HW: Friendly reminder PORTFOLIO PART I due May 9th 3:30 pm DIGITAL COPIES ONLY

Class #31-32 Worlds Apart

View National Geogaphic's Worlds Apart as a conclusion to our Culture Unit. There will be questiosn from this video on the CULTURE TEST Class #33

Class #29-30 Culture Project

Please report to the Computer Lab for classes #29 and #30

1. Using the guidelines provided in your Sociology Resource Handbook complete the Culture Wiki project:

a. Read and take notes on your assigned culture articles
b. Post notes from your article to the Class Wiki - Journal #17a
c. Generate notes from the other FIVE articles on Class Wiki - Journal #17b

2. Open notes test on culture will be administered during Class #33

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Class #28 Back from Break

1. Celebrating Jackie Robinson Day

2. Gameplan for the next two weeks

3. Introduction to Culture Project

Friday, April 6, 2007

Class #27 Cutural Components

1. NOTES as Journal #16 Components of Culture - Beliefs, Material Cutlure, Symbols, and Language

2. Video Clip - National Geogrpaic: Taboo (Food)
GO TO Taboo Interactive Website

3. Hotlix - Order your supply of Cajun Crickets

Class #26 Cultural Components

1. Global Lessons: Reading and discissions - US Army manual for troops stationed in Saudi Arabi

2. Revisit Journals #14 and #15 as springboard into the Culture of Music

3. Video Mash-Up

Class #25 Cultural Univerals


Culture Day #2 Use Nacirema discussion as a transition into cultural universals

1. NOTES: Cultural Universals as Journal #14

2. NOTES: Culture Kite as Journal #15

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Class #24 Intro to Culture

1. NBC News - Daddy! Tearful surprise homecoming

2. Powerpoint converstion to JPEG - Two volunteers show us how its done

3. Resource Handbook page #41 The Pennysaver Ad from 9/15/01 - Why did I include this in our discussion about Culture?

4. "Body Ritual among the Nacirema"

HW: Optional Blog Post "French Lessons" from page #39 of your resource handbook

Class #23 Without A Trace

Subject: H.S. Bullying

A 12 year old boy goes missing. The team discovers that the boy had a rough 24 hours leading up to his disappearance. He disappeared in the middle of the school day, the only clues a broken miror, a discarded hall pass, and blood on the wall....until a picture of him is sent around the school.

In-Depth Look into teenage minds: Some adults don't understand how realistic this episode is. In many cases, they end up in suicide atempts or..... well, one word describes what else happens: Columbine. Lot's of people went through a lot of abuse in high school and middle school. I, Deyna, had my head slammed into a locker and was unconscious for ten minutes.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Class #22 POV 1968

1. Complete Participation and Citizenship Rubrics for MP #3; Collect "My Life" HW;
Handback Quizzes

2. 3 minute tutorial - converting powerpoint slides for Movie Maker import

3. Finish Journal #13 - Comapre HS in 1968 to HS in 2008 based on the documentary clip POV - High School

4. Play Clip from Bowling for Columbine and compare today's HS problems with 1968

HW: Sign-up for your final Portfolio options by March 30th on the class wiki

Monday, March 26, 2007

Class #21 High School

1. Process Social Cruelty

2. QUIZ on Topic #3

3. Journal #13 - Comapre HS in 1968 to HS in 2008 based on the documentary clip POV - High School

HW: Find someone over the age of 35 to complete the flip side of the MY LIFE worksheet - I will collect these Tuesday

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Class #20 Social Cruelty

1. REMINDERS: Wiki (www.sociology2007.pbwiki.com) and Blog (www.thehumanzoo.blogspot.com) are accessible through the HistoryShack's Sociology Room.

2. Process "People Like Us" using Ballston Spa HS's Mission statement as a starting point

3. View ABC News special "The In-Crowd and Social Cruelty" and complete guided viewing questions on handout.

4. Take a peek at the Suprise Quiz your are getting in class on Friday (Click cancel at password prompt)

HW: Find someone over the age of 35 to complete the flip side of the MY LIFE worksheet

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Class #19 People Like Us

1. Complete MY LIFE worksheet - solicit responses from 2 males and 2 females

2. Read pages 34-35 of your Sociology Resource Handbook " Sociological Perspectives: George Carlin on Age"

3. View "People Like Us" and complete Journal #11 Welcome to Anderson HS on page #36 of your Sociology Resource Handbook

HW: Find someone over the age of 35 to complete the flip side of the MY LIFE worksheet

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Class #18 Freaks Process Etc.

1. Process Journal #11 Freaks and Geeks Guided Viewing grid (page #31 of your resource handbook)

2. Take Cruel Schools Survey on Bullying

3. Complete Continuum of Violence; add cyber bullying to discussion

4. Cruel Schools FACT SHEET dated but effective

5. Perspectives on HIGH SCHOOL 2007 - Group activity from page #178 of your resource handbook. You can also add your thoughts, comments, or observations to our class blog at http//thehumanzoo.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Class #17 Freaks and Geeks

1. View episode of Freaks and Geeks (pilot) and create guided viewing grid (from page #33 of your resource handbook)as journal #11

2. Find two examples of each perspective (functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionalist)from video

Monday, March 12, 2007

Class #16 Sociological Perspectives

1. Hand out Topic #3 Calendar

2. Journal #9 A Picture is worth 1,000 words.


4. Set-Up Journal #11 Freaks and Geeks

Class #15 Movers and Shakers Test

1. Complete Muliple Choice and fill-in test on the Movers and Shakers of Sociological Thought

HW: This wouldn't be a bad time to look over the requirements for your final exam portfolio on pages 160 to 197 of your resource handbook

Class #14 Movers and Shakers - Day #2

1. Complete Movers and Shakers reseach using Sociology and You Text pages 16-17 (26 minutes)

2. Complete WHO AM I Quiz on pages 29-30 of your resource handbook. Try this without notes first :)

3. Shakers Jeopardy - "I'll Take Theory for 200"

HW: Open Notes Test NEXT ClASS

Class #13 Sociological Thought

1. TO REALIZE - log on to our class wiki and add a stanza to this poem

WE WILL BE WORKING FROM PAGES 27-30 in your resource handbook

Movers and Shakers - Begin research and notes on Auguste Comte, Harriet Martineau, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and C. Wright Mills

2. Complete Research notes on Movers and Skakers as journal #8

3. Open Notes Test Class #14

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Class #12 Who Will Survive?

1. Revisit Wiki and Blog Expectations
2. Clariication and discussion about Sociology Final Portfolio
Part I - Options are listed on page #163 of your resource handbook - DUE May 9th
Part II - Explanations and Expectations are outlines on pages 179-196 of your reource handbook - DUE June 6th

3. Explation of "H" Drive resource folder 2007 Sociology Student - You are required to drag this folder to your network drive ASAP. It contains resources and info for smester activies

4. Part II Student Exemplars shown in class
On the Turning Away; Sweet Tradegy; and Empathy all found at


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Class #11 WebQuest Process

1. Highlight key points and purpose of WebQuest and the Media Literacy focus.

2. Use Martin Luther King.org to showcase the WAYBACK machine on archive.org.

3. 21st Century Media Literacy - Saving the Tree Octopus . This illustrates the power of a simple Google search and how it may impact student research

4. Sign-off on Blog and Wiki Contract for clafication on how to make positive contribution in a Web 2.0 environment

5. Visit our class blog www.thehumanzoo.blogspot.com and make your first post based on the Media Literacy reading from page 27 in your resource handbook.

6. Introduction to the Sociogy Final Exam Portfolio - This portfolio contains two distinct parts worth 250 points each and count for 1/5 of your final grade.

7. SHOWCASE EXAMPLES: http://www.sociologyvideovault.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Class #10 Sociology WebQuest

1. Welcome Back

2. Hand out Sociology Textbooks

3. Complete Sociology WebQuest

HW: Finish Web Quest

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mid Winter Break


#1 The Racial Profiling reading will serve as a follow up to the Without a Trace video. Complete reading Once Appalled by Race Profiling, Many Find Themselves Doing It and answer questions as journal #6.

Please note: I collected journals on February 16th, so you are invited to type your journal or answer the questions on a seperate piece of paper and add it to your journal when school resumes on February 26th

#2 We will be completing a WebQuest for Class #9. If you would like to complete the WebQuest prior to class cliock here SOCIOLGY WEB QUEST

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Class #9 Racial Profiling

1. Video: Without a Trace - In Extremis. Journal Entry #7

2. Synopsis The team investigates the disappearance of Anwar Samir, a Saudi Arabian medical intern. A coordinated Joint Terrorist Task Force (JTTF) investigation discovers that samples of a virus are missing from a biotechnology company where Anwar once worked...show up to class to see how things unfold


Class #8 Who Will Surivive?

1. Bringing it all together - labels, label breakdown, and perspective shifts

2. Who will survive simulation

FINAL PORTFOLIO SHOWCASE: Different People by Tiana M

HW: Reading Once Appalled by Race Profiling, Many Find Themselves Doing It and answer questions as Journal #6

Class #7 Looks Aren't Everything???

1. The Cornrow Controversy - journal entry #4

2. CRASH - journal #5

FINAL PORTFOLIO SHOWCASE: Kids in America by Katrina

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Class #6 - Label Jars, Not People - Part II

1. White Coats and Blue Blazers - Clip from Friends

2. Looks Aren't Everything by Rick Reilly

3. Allen Iverson Portfolio

4. Journal #3 Introducing Allen Iverson - Prior to our exercise, please write down what you have read, seen, or heard about NBA superstar Allen Iverson. After reading the articles and watching the video clips write down your opinion of Mr. Iverson based on all the facts that were presented. Revisit the process Iverson Label Breakdown (10 Points)

Class #5 - Label Jars, Not People - Part I

1. Introducing Earl...Expect the Best

2. Present class list from Label activity to Skater Boi and discuss

3. The Heart of Learning - Exploring ways to combat bullying

4. View select clips from Bowling for Columbine
- An interview with Matt Stone
- Why it Stinks to be a High School student
- An Interview with Mariliyn Manson
- Columbine - Who Fault is it? by Marilyn Manson

5. Journal #2 Label Breakdown What did you learn from our introductory label activities? Consider the class list, Skater Boi lyrics, Marilyn Manson interview, and personal insights and observations. (10 Points)


Class #4 Super Bowl Sociology

1. Superbowl Showcase - A quick examination of some Super Bowl commericials with sociological significance

- Snickers:"the Man moment"
- Ford: "Tougher than Bikers"
- Bud Light: "the Hitchiker; Slapping; Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Coke: History and Grand Theft Auto

2. Judging a Book by its Cover - Part I

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Class #3 Situational Sociology

1. Observations from Everyday Situations

2. World Population breakdown

3. Find someone Who....

4. Labels Activity

Links and follow from class:
Bowling for Columbine

Class #2 What is Sociology?

1. Questions from Class #1
2. Reading "What is Sociology"
3. The Cannibal in the Mirror
4. Situation Sociology - have everyday situations can viewed from a sociolgical perseptive
5. Introducing Mr. H

HW: Observe and reflect on a everyday situation

Class #1 Introductions

1. Welcome to Sociology
2. Expectations
3. What do You Expect?
4. Read "What Have You Heard?"

Videos from Class #1
Did You Know? Shift Happens, Part I

Education Today - Shift Happens, Part II

PRICELESS WISDOM - The key to any relationship is "unexpected gifts at unexpected times."

HW: Get a spiral notebook and complete Journal #1 Who Am I