Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Class #44 -46 Sub Cultures - LAB

Class #44
1. Complete SUB CULTURE WEB QUEST; begin Sub Culture project

Class #45
1. Create your sub culture presentation - reference page #140 in your resource handbook for explanations

Class #46
1. Finish your sub culture presentation - reference page #140 in your resource handbook for explanations

2. Evaluate 10 presentations on shared drive

Class #43 - Gangs

1. Gangs as an Agent of Socialization

2. Reading on local gang problem, video clip from News Channel 6

3. Notes and Discussion on Gangs

Class #42 Sport and Society

1. Journal Entry based on page #122 in your resource handbook

2. Contemporary case studies to complement our notes and discussion

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Class #41 Black.White

1. Background footage on Civil Rights - Emmett Till and Little Rock

2. Video: Black/White (Part II ) Guided Viewing Journal based on questions in resource handbook page #117

3. Being a Black Man - The Washington Post

Class #40 Coolness???

1. As a journal entry complete the grid on Mass Media and Sociolization and discuss "Cool Hunting"

2. Introduce Black.White video clip for Class #41

3. Visit Black.White website

Class #39 Merchants of Cool

1. View "Merchants of Cool" video to explore mass media as an agent of socialization

2. As a journal entry identify 10 facts from the video

3. If you were absent, please complete the journal entry by viewing the program on-line at MERCHANTS of COOL

Class #38 Children's Books II

1. Process Children's Book activity

2. Visit the following websites to complement our discussion

a. The Berenstain Bears

b. Seseame Street